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Parenting is hard, especially with the wrong kid

Parenting is hard, especially with the wrong kid

Parenting is hard, especially with the wrong kid

Parenting is hard. Especially when you can’t figure out exactly which kid is your own. As the rhino calves Mguu and Jojo grow and the temperatures are creeping up this spring, being outside to soak up the sun is becoming the norm. But those fun times don’t come without a price for the parents.

Trying to keep up with your child while they are running around crazy with a half sister that looks very similar makes the day a bit tiring. Just ask Linda. Linda is the calm rhino mom (Jojo’s mom) that always knows how to handle a situation and figure things out for the rest of the crash (rhino herd). Kit (Mguu’s mom) goes along with the status quo.  But, even supermom Linda can make mistakes. We have seen both Mguu and Jojo get a bit confused during the excitement of play time and go to the wrong mom for comfort.

Generally, Linda takes the lost kid (Mguu) back to her rhino mom Kit.

The rhinos moms do the swap, and everyone goes about their day with the correct parent.

On this day however, the calves ‘swapped’ moms again -  and that drove the (normally) calm rhino Linda crazy. We could see Linda’s confusion and frustration as she stood there in a face-off with an equally protective mother.

Moms with Babies
Is this my kid? You don't smell right.

After about two minutes, Linda began to wonder if she was the one losing it. She began to smell the baby that was standing next her in a last-ditch effort to figure out if this was her kid. After some time, and a few words between them, both moms and calves were resting with the correct family member and all was normal again.

Quarantine is difficult. Keeping kids entertained and safe during this pandemic is even more difficult. For all you moms and dads out there, we see you. We’re going to get through this together. Just make sure the kid following you around is indeed your own.

Much love,

The Grasslands Keepers at the North Carolina Zoo

Happy Mother's Day to all the caretakers in the world!