To Schedule a Program:
Let us provide a fun and engaging program for you and your preschoolers. Zoo to You Preschool programs are offered subject to availability.
Topics Offered:
Animal Wrappers: Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing by Judi and Ron Barrett. We discuss the various coverings that different animals may have such as shells, scales, fur, and spines.
Three Bears: Alaska’s Three Bears by Shelley Gill. Can also be adapted to arctic animal presentation. We learn about the three bear species we have at the Zoo: polar, brown, and black.
Investigating Insects: How to Build an Insect by Roberta Gibson. What makes an insect an insect? Learn about the body parts needed for an animal to be called an insect and why insects are so important.
Pollinators: Senorita Mariposa by Ben Gundersheimer. Learn about our native pollinators, what they do for us, and what we can do for them. Find out if a Pollination Station is right for your center. (Can be combined with the Investigating Insects program.)
African Safari: We All Went on Safari, a Counting Journey through Tanzania by Laurie Krebs and Julia Cairns. Go on an imaginary safari to learn about some cool African animals.
The Tortoise and the Hare. Hear a familiar story and meet a tortoise and a very big rabbit.
All the Water in the World by George Ella Lyon and Katherine Tillotson presents a lovely illustration of the water cycle. Meet some animals that live or breed in the water.
Pricing: Offsite programs cost $75 for the initial program and $37.50 for each subsequent program at the same location on the same date. Up to four programs per day can be scheduled at one location. We serve a 100-mile radius of the Zoo.
Virtual versions of all these programs are also available via Zoom at the same pricing and same four weeks advance notice. Virtual programs can be viewed by multiple classrooms at the same time.
Each program can be presented to a class of 35 or less students. Programs last 30-45 minutes. Please let us know where the program will be presented: classroom, auditorium, outdoors, etc. and of any special conditions that may exist. The North Carolina Zoo requires a minimum of four weeks advance notice for any Zoo to You Preschool program.
To schedule a program for your school, contact 336.879.7777 or toll free 800.488.0444, ext. 7777, or email