Asheboro, N.C. – Aug. 11, 2022 - The North Carolina Zoo held a groundbreaking ceremony for its new Asia continent on Wed., Aug. 17, at 10 a.m.
Speakers at the groundbreaking ceremony included North Carolina First Lady Kristin Cooper, Secretary Reid Wilson, N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, Secretary Pamela Cashwell, N.C. Department of Administration, N.C. Senator Dave Craven, N.C. Representative Allen McNeill and Zoo officials.
In November, the N.C. legislature approved $75 million over the next two years to begin construction of the 10-acre Asia continent. Expected to open in 2026, the Asia continent will feature animals, including tigers and Komodo dragons. This marks the first major Zoo expansion since its opening in the North America continent in 1994.
The new Asia continent is expected to open in 2026.