North Carolina Zoo’s Toy Lambeth selected as a recipient of the Governor’s Awards for Excellence
Asheboro, N.C. –Oct. 27, 2020 - North Carolina Zoo Volunteer Coordinator Toy Lambeth was honored with Governor’s Awards for Excellence for Human Relations on Tuesday, Oct. 27. It is the highest honor a state employee may receive and recognizes accomplishments beyond the call of duty which make a positive difference in the lives of their fellow North Carolinians. Employees are nominated for the award by other state employees including their supervisors and co-workers.
As volunteer coordinator for the Zoo, Lambeth manages more than 1,600 volunteers with more than 43,000 service hours every year. Lambeth has worked at the Zoo since 1990 and is a native of Asheboro. The Governor’s Award specifically recognizes her efforts to provide volunteers with meaningful experiences, expand the scope and scale of the program, and promote diversity with the zoo’s volunteer community.
“Our volunteers are the heart and soul of the North Carolina Zoo,” said Lambeth. “They’re considered our front line, and their passion and dedication make them among our most valuable resources. I’m honored to work with them.”

Toy Lambeth with her Governor's Excellence Award
“Toy Lambeth is truly an asset to the North Carolina Zoo and our department,” said Susi H. Hamilton, secretary of the N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources. “That she was selected for this award from a pool of over 400 nominees really shines a light on her outstanding accomplishments and her dedication to serving the people of North Carolina. It is my pleasure to congratulate her on this well-deserved honor.”
The State of North Carolina has approximately 81,000 employees, but only 13 were recognized with a Governor’s Award for Excellence this year.
“Congratulations to Toy Lambeth on this well-deserved recognition. This award reflects Toy’s endless dedication and commitment to the North Carolina Zoo, our volunteers, and the state.” said Zoo Director Pat Simmons. “We’re thrilled that the North Carolina Zoo and Department of Natural and Cultural Resources are part of this year’s celebrations of excellence.”