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Hamadryas Baboon

Hamadryas Baboon

Common Name:
Hamadryas Baboon
Scientific Name:
Papio hamadryas
Gestation Period:
170 days
  • Grassland
  • Rocky Areas
2 ft
Life Span:
30 yrs
Number of Young:
45 lb

Did you know these baboons are often found living on hillsides or in mountainous regions? Learn more about Hamadryas Baboons.     

Care & Wellness:

The spacious rocky habitat for the baboons is ideal.  It mirrors the cliff faces of their natural habitat and lets them show off their rock-climbing skills.  The size allows multiple males to form “one-male units” (one male, a few females and their offspring), replicating their dynamic social system within a large, multi-generational group.

  • Hamadryas baboons have a unique social structure. Several family groups will form a clan; clans gather to forms bands; bands come together to form troops.
  • The basis for family groups is one male with several females.
  • They may migrate seasonally, moving into mountain areas during the wet season.
Endangered Status
  • Extinct in Wild (EW)
  • Critically Endangered (CR)
  • Endangered (EN)
  • Vulnerable (VU)
  • Near Threatened (NT)
  • Least Concern (LC)
  • Not Evaluated (NE)
Fun Facts:
  • These baboons are often found living on hillsides or in mountainous regions.
  • Females are much smaller than males.
  • They often sleep on cliffs at night. Occasionally they will sleep in trees.
  • Their skins were once used in ceremonial cloaks.
Male hamadryas baboon sitting on a log.