Did you know an ostrich's egg is the smallest egg in relation to its body size among birds? Learn more about ostriches.
Care & Wellness:
The ostriches participate in their own medical care. They voluntarily step on scales for routine weighing. They will also stand and allow for hands-on exams from veterinary staff while receiving a favorite treat.
- Live in groups that typically number in the teens, but can be much larger
- A dominant rooster and hen are at the top of the group hierarchy.
- Running speeds can reach 45 mph with strides covering 10-15 feet.
- Males "dance" by swaying, shaking feathers, moving wings, and stamping feet to impress a hen.
Endangered Status
- Extinct in Wild (EW)
- Critically Endangered (CR)
- Endangered (EN)
- Vulnerable (VU)
- Near Threatened (NT)
- Least Concern (LC)
- Not Evaluated (NE)