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Thomson’s Gazelle

Thomson’s Gazelle

Common Name:
Thomson's Gazelle
Scientific Name:
Eudorcas thomsonii
Gestation Period:
165 days
  • Grassland
  • Savanna
2 ft
4 ft
Life Span:
13 yrs
Number of Young:
45 lb

Did you know that rings on male's horns may provide "grip" so the horns do not slip and cause serious injuries when sparring? Learn more about Thomson's Gazelles.

Care & Wellness:

The Thomson’s gazelles at the North Carolina Zoo live in a large herd on the 40-acre Watani Grasslands Reserve habitat. This habitat provides ample space for these small antelope to run, hide, and frolic as well as plenty of grass to graze on. 

  • Herds of several hundred to many thousands may be seen, especially in the rainy season.
  • There is no ranking within the herd, although males use posture, scent gland secretions, dung and urine to mark a territory.
  • When fleeing, may "pronk" -- a high, stiff-legged leap that possibly warns others of danger.
Endangered Status
  • Extinct in Wild (EW)
  • Critically Endangered (CR)
  • Endangered (EN)
  • Vulnerable (VU)
  • Near Threatened (NT)
  • Least Concern (LC)
  • Not Evaluated (NE)
Fun Facts:
  • Births can happen at any time, but usually happen during the rainy season.
  • Extremely fast and agile, they can reach speeds of 45 mph and turn sharply to escape predators.
  • Rings on male's horns may provide "grip" so the horns do not slip and cause serious injuries when sparring.
Thomson's Gazelle